Pogórzanie (Pogorzans)
  • The Rogi Village Lovers Association was established in December 1999. The association documents and archives everything related to the history and culture of the village of Rogi. Before the war, agriculture was involved in Rogy - agricultural products were sold in health resorts in Iwonicz and Rymanów. A lot of people worked in industry - mainly in the oil industry. People used to go to work in the Bóbrka mine. There were also two mines in Rogy - there were shafts left after them. As for the crafts, the most common in Rogy was skating. After the war, people dealt mainly with the home production of furniture elements. In 2001, at the initiative of the Association, as part of the program for the protection of cultural heritage, 42 wooden sculptures from Rogów chapels and those located in the houses of the villagers were renovated and reconstructed. The conservation works took place in the MBL conservation studio in Sanok. Most of the sculptures were made by Jędrus Skowronek.
  • The Krosno Region Lovers Association was established in 1958. The objectives of the organization include: cooperation in raising the level of cultural and economic life in the Krosno region, care and assistance in promoting and registering folk traditions and customs, assistance in solving and implementing economic issues aimed at economic development of the region. Main Board of the Krosno Region Lovers' Association in Krosno, ul. Grodzka 10, 38-400 Krosno, http://www.smzk.org/

  • Women's Association "Gosposiada" in Jasienica Rosielna . The mission of the Women's Association "Gosposiada" is, on the one hand, to cultivate folk customs, traditions and rituals, and on the other hand, to integrate the social environment. The association has been operating since 2014. The history of the local Circle of Rural Housewives dates back to 1937. First of all, the association emphasizes its activity on culinary traditions. Women's Association "Gosposiada" in Jasienica Rosielna, Jasienica Rosielna 325, 36-220 Jasienica Rosielna

  • The Association for the Development of Folk Culture of the Jasło Region was established in 2010. It maintains and promotes the cultural heritage of the Jasło region. Association for the Development of Folk Culture of the Jasło Region, Trzcinica 635, 38-207 Przysieki,

  • The Local Action Group "Kraina nafty" was established in 2008 and covers the area of Chorówka, Dukla, Jaśliska, Iwonicz-Zdrój and Miejsce Piastowe communes. This area is distinguished by the common crude oil - its discovery contributed to the development and promotion of this region. The group's objectives include activities for the sustainable development of rural areas, including the protection and promotion of the natural environment, landscape and historical resources, the development of tourism and regional products, supporting the development of spa areas, and providing support to the inhabitants of the area. Local Action Group "Kraina nafty", ul. Dworska 14, 38-430 Miejsce Piastowe, Tel. 13 44 07 043, E-mail: biuro@kraina-nafty.pl, https://kraina-nafty.pl/

  • Czarnorzecko-Strzyżowska Local Action Group , which was established in 2006, operates in the area of six communes: Wojaszówka, Korczyna, Krościenko Wyżne (Krosno poviat) and Strzyżów, Wiśniowa, Frysztak (Strzyżów poviat). The name of the association comes from the Czarnorzecko-Strzyżowski Landscape Park, in the area of which the above-mentioned communes are located. The area is rich in natural, cultural and historical resources. The Association takes part in various types of cultural events, festivals, fairs, shows. Czarnorzecko-Strzyżowska Local Action Group, Ul. Przecławczyka 5, 38-100 Strzyżów, http://www.lgdleader.itl.pl/

  • Strzyżów Association of Rural Women of the Strzyżów Commune.

The text comes from the study "INVENTORY OF CULTURAL RESOURCES OF THE BORDERLAND - THE ETHNOCARPATHIA PROJECT" realized by the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University for the District Museum in Rzeszów.

Author: Ms Magdalena Fołta.


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