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Sale of honey from own apiary

Władysław Wronowski has been running the beekeeping farm "Honey from Own Apiary" "ZDROWA EKO PASIEKA" for 31 years. The number of hives has just exceeded 60 bee colonies.

In spring , multiflower and linden honey are available at Berezka 14A. honeydew deciduous and coniferous. When driving through the Bieszczady Mountains, you should not avoid this place a . A tasty and healthy souvenir should decorate every kitchen and be an addition to the best home teas.

Apiary is a workplace. Harvest time is family and peer work. Beekeepers help each other in such moments - tells us the owner. The best materials are also used to make hives that can be purchased for your needs. Tours from all over Poland visit this place all year round.

The owner encourages you to buy organic honey. The place of the apiary is a space free from human activity, which makes the honey as clean and ecological as possible.

The fact that the honeys are really good is evidenced by the fact that customers keep coming back for years for the harvest of Mr. Władysław.

In addition to honey, as befits the Bieszczady Mountains full of beds, tourists can stay at your Wronowscy. Tourists have at their disposal the "Lot of storks" apartment, which Krystyna Wronowska is proud of and invites to this place. The son of the apiary owner also cares for tourists from Bieszczady. He runs a restaurant called "Bieszczadzki Brat", where he of course serves his father's homely honey for breakfast. You can also spend the night in a place where tourists' palates are tempted.

All this is concentrated in the Solina commune in Berezka, where it is easy to find, because storks have lived on the farm of the Wronowski family for many years.


Berezka 14A, 38-610 Polańczyk