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The nature reserve Prządki prof. Henryk Świdziński

The picturesque rocks of the "Prządka" crowning the top part of the hill (526 m) are located between Korczyna and the village of Czarnorzeki. The name of the reserve derives from a legend which says that they are maidens from a nearby castle, turned into rocks for spinning on a Christmas Sunday.

The "Prządki" rock reserve, established in 1957, covers an area of 13.62 ha and is located north of Krosno, in the Korczyna commune.

The picturesque rocks of "Prządka" crowning the top part of the hill (526 m) are located between Korczyna and the village of Czarnorzeki. The name of the reserve derives from a legend which says that they are maidens from a nearby castle, turned into rocks for spinning on a Christmas Sunday.

The shapes of the rocks are mostly lofty clubs, sometimes exceeding 20 m in height, but there are also flat, solid forms separated by slits opening upwards. Individual rocks have been given names - including: Prządka-Matka, Prządka-Baba, Herszt, Zbój Madej. In a group of rocks called Spinner-

The dam is one of the highest rocks in the entire reserve, which stretches for about 30 m and is 18 m high.




The main task of the reserve is to protect original rock formations. The structure of tectonic fractures in the sandstone had a decisive influence on the formation of the rocks. Physical weathering was also important, especially the effect of the freezing water inside the porous rock. The rocks are made of Ciężkowice sandstone and soft Eocene slate, rocks with different resistance to weathering. Characteristic forms are visible here: furrows, depressions, spongy surfaces.

The reserve's attraction is 5 hiking trails. It is worth taking advantage of them, admiring the beautiful landscapes and the view of the Kamieniec castle. In winter, near the rocks, there is a ski lift in Czarnorzekach http://czarnorzekiski.pl/ .

Motorized tourists can start their walk around Prządki from the parking lot next to the ski lift. We do not recommend leaving the car and starting the walk from a small bay at the bend of provincial road 991, because this road is very busy and the tourist passing it in this place is exposed to the risk of an accident.

Godziny otwarcia:



DW991, 38-420 Korczyna

