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Gapel (Sachta Leopold) Solivar Museum

The gapel, or the treadmill at the Leopold shaft of the Solivar salt mine, is a fascinating device of old technology. A huge wooden structure, driven by 4 horse-drawn carriages, was used in the past to lower and pull in the huge leather bellows with brine.

Shaft Leopold is the oldest and most important part of the desired salt mine in Solivarze. It is under it that the largest salt deposits are located. I'll start it to dig it in 1571. It is 155 m deep down, and the glass was originally called the Imperial.

Initially, the brine was drawn from the shaft with one large leather bellows, pulled on a chain by a mechanism, winding the chain onto a wooden shaft. In 1674, a building with a square was added to the rectangular building of the Imperial shaft white dome sheltering m and placed in it a powerful wooden treadmill. The building itself and the treadmill mechanism required major renovation many times (the first in 1807, the second in 1844). The mechanism of the treadmill was turned by four pairs of horses, and at each harness, a coachman sat on a wooden seat. The horses moved clockwise and counterclockwise depending on whether the bellows were raised or lowered. The brine was pumped into leather bellows with a content of 5-7 hl. Interestingly - the whole mechanism rotates on a metal spindle with a diameter of only 3 cm !!!

The Solivarski Gapel (treadmill) was one of the largest in Europe, and its unusual wooden structure evokes admiration and admiration for the mastery of former designers .

Godziny otwarcia:

Season summer (April-October)
Tuesday - Saturday: 9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Visiting the area with a speaker:
9.00 a.m., 10.30 a.m., 12.30 p.m., 2 p.m., 3.30 p.m.

Season winter (November-March)
Tuesday - Saturday: 8.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m.
Visiting the area with a speaker:
8.00, 9.00, 10.30, 12.30, 14.00

(visiting the museum complex takes about 90 minutes, the maximum number of visitors per entrance: 45, the tour begins in the main building of the Museum - Salt Warehouse)


ul Gaplova 11558, 080 05 Presov-Solivar