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Semenkovňa Snina

The seed plant in Snina is a place where seeds of healthy ornamental and ecologically cultivated plants are made available free of charge. From June 2021, the seed exchange point operates in the tourist information pavilion in Sninskie Rybniki

The seed exchange point in Snina is a place where seeds of healthy ornamental and ecologically cultivated plants are made available free of charge. From June 2021, the seed exchange point operates in the tourist information pavilion in Sninskie Rybniki.

On the Semienkov ni website, you will find detailed rules for replacing seeds:

Rules for borrowing seeds :
1. Choose up to five packages that suit you and that you will really use.
2. Plant seeds, look after your plants without chemicals, and let the strongest and healthiest plants mature.
3. Bring the grown seeds back to the seed shop.
4. If you are unable to regrow suitable seeds from borrowed seeds, you can bring in other seeds in the fall instead.

Principles for the donor:
1. Bring only healthy and ripe seeds, preferably from the strongest plants.
2. The seeds should not be chemically treated or fertilized and sprayed.
3. Seeds do not include the seeds of addictive plants, hybrids (referred to as F1) and genetically modified (GMO) plants, ie those covered by the property rights.
4. Mark the seeds with a descriptive label on which you write the name, time and place of harvest or from when you are growing the species / variety and origin of the seeds. If you grow more than one variety of crops in your garden (mainly pumpkins, courgettes, cucumbers), please indicate whether you pollinate the plants by hand or if they were pollinated naturally, but separated from other varieties.
5. You can download a descriptive label from the Semenkovni website or simply write the necessary information on the seed package.
6. If you have several seeds of one species, you can bring them in one package and we will divide them into several borrowers .
7. At the moment we do not accept seeds from plants in which we have a surplus . These include, in particular, marigold seeds, echinacea (Echinacea), mallow, chokeberry, gazanii, potato and fennel.
8. The donor is responsible for the quality of the seed material and the accuracy of the description !!!


the activity can also be followed on the Semenkovne Youtube channel:

Godziny otwarcia:

Thursdays and Sundays from 8.00 to 16.00


Rybníckia 3951, 069 01 Sninské rybníky