The bee farm is located in eastern Slovakia in the clean natural environment of the Ondava Upland in Okrúhle, in close proximity to the proposed General Protected Area "Kerta Lesopark in Okrúhle".
The bee breeding farm is located in eastern Slovakia in the clean natural environment of the Ondava Upland in Okrúhle, in close proximity to the General Protected Area "Kerta Lesopark in Okrúhle".
This place is suitable mainly for obtaining forest and honeydew honey, as the forest cover in the region is relatively large. Picturesque forests alternate here with mountain meadows and pastures. In this area, the principles of organic farming are applied, which strictly exclude the use of any artificial fertilizers or other plant protection products.
The farm deals with professional beekeeping and the production of specific honey from the Dukla region. What matters is the quality, not the amount of honey obtained. The phyto-diversity of the surrounding forests is very rich (from 40 to 50 species of trees). The most valuable component of the protected area is the plant composition of forest communities with a significant representation of valuable deciduous trees, such as: Acer pseudoplatanus mountain maple, Acer platanoides milk maple, Fraxinus excelsior thin ash, Tilia cordata small-leaved lime. abies, Scots pine Pinus silvestris and broadleaf spruce Larix decidua.
In the forest area where the beehives are situated, there are some of the oldest trees in the village of Okrúhle that meet the criteria of protected trees.