Saris (Slovak: Šariš, Polish: Szarysz)
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  • the aroma of freshly hand-mown grass, Slovenský kosecký, (events such as Kosenie pod Čiernou horou),
  • harvesting herbs on St. John, blocking herbal bundles in the fields (exhibition Čaro a power liečivých bylín - Magic and the power of medicinal herbs - in the village of Lipany,
  • the smell of traditional dishes during celebrations and various holidays,
  • the smell of meat delicacies during pig time,
  • the aromas of the traditional multi-course Christmas Eve supper - home baked bread, sauerkraut, garlic, honey, mushrooms and legumes,
  • aromas of Easter - bread, cake, sausages, ham, bacon, butter, cheese, eggs, hrudky (traditional dish) or horseradish,
  • the scent of svätenina (holy food) mixes in churches with the scent of incense, creating a specific Easter atmosphere.
  • aroma of bee products (Medar bee farm).


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