Dolinianie (Dolinians)

Farmers who drew on the wealth of the land

The Dolinians lived in the valleys, away from the vast mountain pastures and forests, and therefore neither work in felling and hauling trees nor raising cattle on a larger scale could be their occupation. They were lucky, however, that the eastern part of the Jasielsko-Sanocki Doły was located on fertile soils, so they mainly dealt with arable farming. In their fertile fields, the Dolinians cultivated mainly cereal crops: rye, oats, wheat and barley, and to a lesser extent potatoes and turnips. Cabbage, peas, beets, broad beans, carrots, and cucumbers were also planted. Like all the inhabitants of the Carpathians, they also grew some flax and hemp to make cloth linen for their own needs. In the vicinity of Sieniawa Trepcza and Besko, large quantities of onions and garlic were sown, which were sold at fairs in autumn. The Dolinians raised cows, pigs, horses, chickens, ducks and geese for their own needs. Apart from agricultural activities, additional income was sought, among others, in the production of wood products. Home craftsmen produced a variety of wooden goods: spoons, coffee tables, spindles, basins, shovels, toys, Easter knockers, whetstone sheaths, pig troughs, salt shakers and many other everyday items. Most of these items were sold at fairs or in hawker carts in the villages. Many villages in the valley specialized in some kind of craft, and so: weaving was developed in Nagórzany, stone processing was developed in Nowotaniec, and shingle was made in Kuźmin from time immemorial (it is made using electric tools to this day). The inhabitants of both Tyrawa (Solna and Wołoska) smelted grease and tar from tar pine trunks. On the other hand, in Mrzygłód from the 17th century until the 1960s, the main handcraft was pottery.


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