Dolinianie (Dolinians)
Terytorium Dolinianie

Dolinyanie - a mysterious community of the San valley

The Dolinianie are the most mysterious and least known ethnographic group from the Carpathian region. It was first described in detail in 1936 by Roman Reinfuss in the Literary and Scientific Kuryer, an addition to the article number entitled "Doły Sanockie" - Ruthenian people from the vicinity of Sanok ". He wrote: “The Sanok land is an interesting mosaic from the ethnographic point of view, because apart from the Polish peasant population and small parochial nobility, as many as three Ruthenian ethnic groups of Lemkos, Boykos and Dolinians border each other there.

According to contemporary researchers, the Dolinians developed from the descendants of the 14th and 15th century Polish and German settlers and the Ruthenian population. For generations, groups of Ruthenians, Poles and Germans interpenetrated each other, which resulted in the fusion of many cultural elements, which manifested themselves in new rituals, home furnishings and clothes. Dolinians inhabited partially: Doły Jasielsko - Sanockie, Pogórze Przemyskie, Pogórze Bukowskie, Pogórze Leskie and Sanocko - Turczańskie Mountains. The eastern border is partially blurred, while the western one runs along the peaks of individual ranges, then along the left bank of the San.


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