Dolinianie (Dolinians)
fot. Produkt 2BA

Only Lemko.

The term Lemko appeared in science for the first time as a dialectological-ethnographic term in 1929. It was introduced by Jan Čaplovič, dividing Uhorsk Ruthenians into Lysakiv (Lissaki) and Lemakiv (Lemáki) dialects respectively.

On the northern side of the Carpathians, the linguist Osyp Lewyckij used this term in 1834 in his work Grammatik der ruthenisch enoderkleinrussischen Sprache in Galizien (Grammar of Ruthenian and Lesserussian speech in Galicia). However, this term was not given by scientists, but was a popular local nickname. Researchers believe that the name was coined by Boykos, who live on the Lemko-Boyko border, to describe the inhabitants of neighboring villages (including Cisna, Dołżyca, Liszna, and Kryta), and it had a humorous character.

We owe the explanation of the genesis of the name "Lemko" to the author of one of the oldest ethnographic descriptions of the Lemko region, A. Toroński: "The nickname of the Lemkos comes from the word 'łem', which they use in the meaning of the Ruthenian 'lisze' or the Polish 'but' ('ino'). The word 'łem' is of Slovak origin and is not used by any Ruthenians except the Lemkos. This word offended the hearing of other Ruthenians who could laugh at this word (as in fact they laugh at them) and finally from this word they gave the nickname 'this is some Lemko' [...] Among themselves, Ruthenians - Lemkos never call themselves Lemkos just Rusnaki, and not all of them know about their nickname, which is used only by other Rusyns. "

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