Pogórzanie (Pogorzans)
fot. Produkt 2BA

Pogórzanie or Podgórzanie?

The term "Pogórzanie" was given to this group in the 1930s by Adam Wójcik. He created it basing on the geographical range of people with a characteristic outfit (the dress was supposed to be the feature that distinguished them most from their neighbors), and because this community inhabited the areas of Pogórze: Ciężkowickie, Jasielski, Dynowski, Bukowski and Strzyżowski, they were referred to as Pogórzans.

The very name "Pogórzanie" was questioned in the 1960s by Franciszek Kotula. In his opinion, the term "Podgórzanie" should be used, however, the name was not accepted in the research community and did not come into common use.


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