Bojkowie (Boykos)

Boyko ritual songs related to the liturgical and family calendar, church music, pastoral music. Contemporary arrangements of Boyko, Carpathian and Orthodox music can be experienced during institutional concerts and shows.

Examples of Boyko verbal folklore:

Harvest song from the village of Procisne:

You are not at home
Go to Lviv
the gate is blurry,
apprentice of the wilderness,
Czudujut are foxes,
da sia cheered
Spy, panenku, at will,
Chelib in the barn

Examples of creativity:
1. Team Tołhaje : Bojkowska Kolomyjka
2. Widymo band: WIDYMO "Hei kukuchka kukala" folk Carpathian song 9.09.12-Sankt Augustin
3. Bojkowski Music Group j: Wiadomości- February 26, TVP Rzeszów
4. Project Bojkowski voice of the Bieszczady : Чорнюшко, душко (Czorniuszko, soul)
5. An example of the performance of the Greek Catholic choir in Lubaczów: Parish fair in the Greek Catholic church in Lubaczów - December 16, 2017.
6. JÓZEF SOWA - Presentations of Eastern Carpathian Shepherds : JÓZEF SOWA - Presentations of Eastern Carpathian Shepherds


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